| | (P) 1965 (2008)
| Wspaniała kolekcja przebojów Zombies, zarówno w mono, jak i w stereo, zremasterowanych przez Johna Astleya (m. in. Led Zeppelin, The Who, ABBA). Dodatkową atrakcją jest 24-stronicowa książeczka, w której zamieszczono ciekawy wywiad z założycielem formacji, Rodem Argentem. Opowiedział on˙o [...]
1. Care Of Cell 44 2. A Rose For Emily 3. Maybe After He's Gone 4. Beechwood Park 5. Brief Candles 6. Hung Up On A Dream 7. Changes 8. I Want Her She Wants Me 9. This Will Be Your Year [...]
versions: CD | 2CD | CDSHM | LPHQ | LP |
| | (P) 2010 (2011)
| ... releases. 11 new recordings are presented on a brilliantly produced album that is a master class of guitar playing, matched by a distinctive vocal style. Trower is backed by a superb group, and serves [...]
1. The Playful Heart 2. Don't Look Back 3. The Turning 4. Dressed In Gold 5. Find Me 6. Song For Those Who Fell 7. Maybe I Can Be A Friend 8. Prince Of Shattered Dreams [...]
versions: CD | LP |
| | (P) 1966 (2009)
| Reedycja trzeciego albumu z 1966 r. jednej z najważniejszych grup brytyjskich lat 60. , na ktorej znalazły się tak bluesowe covery, jak i udane kompozycje Erica Burdona i organisty Dave'a Rowberry'ego. Plus 12 bonusowych [...]
1. One Monkey Don't Stop No Show 2. Maudie 3. Outcast 4. Sweet Little Sixteen 5. You're On My Mind 6. Clapping 7. Gin House Blues 8. Squeeze Her - Tease Her 9. What Am I Living For [...]
versions: CD | LPHQ | LP |
| | (P) 2013
| ... Terry Taylor is a key member of Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings, the highly entertaining and hugely popular recording and touring band. This is a long planned solo album, inspired by great songs that influenced Terry over the years - including ones written by Bob Dylan, Randy Newman and Muddy Waters - together with a couple of [...]
1. Fast Train 2. Soul Deep 3. Papa Ain't Salty 4. Just My Imagination 5. Summer Wind 6. Stuck On You 7. Losing You 8. I Can't Be Satisfied 9. Make You Feel My Love [...] |
| | (P) 2012
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| | (P) 2008
1. I Don't Wanna Loose You 2. Just Tonight 3. Sayonara 4. Down By The Water 5. One Step 6. Live It Up 7. This Time It's Real 8. Drive Me Crazy 9. Rock In The Sea [...] |
| | (P) 2008
1. Afterwards 2. Orthenthian ST. / (Part 1 & 2) 3. Running Back 4. Into A Game 5. Aerosol Grey Machine 6. Black Smoke Yen 7. Aguarian 8. Necromancer 9. Octopus [...] |
| | (P) 2006
1. Hey Porter 2. I Walk The Line 3. Get Rhythm 4. Folsom Prison Blues 5. Wreck Of The Old '97 6. Rock Island Line 7. Cry, Cry, Cry 8. Luther Played The Boogie 9. Ballad Of A Teenager Queen [...] |
| | (P) 2005
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| | (P) 2005
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| | (P) 1967 (2006)
1. Winds Of Change 2. Poem By The Sea 3. Paint It Black 4. The Black Plague 5. Yes I'm Experienced 6. San Franciscan Nights 7. Man - Woman 8. Hotel Hell 9. Good Times [...] |
| | (P) 2000
1. Run It On Down MR. D.J. 2. Let's Start II Dance Again / (Rap Version) 3. Bohannon's Beat 4. The Party Train 5. Truck Stop 6. Keep On Dancin' 7. South African Man [...] |