| | (P) 2024
1. Slave To The Grind 2. The Threat 3. Big Guns 4. 18 & Life 5. Piece Of Me 6. Livin' On A Chain Gang 7. Psycho Therapy 8. In A Darkened Room 9. Makin' A Mess [...]
wersje: CD+DVD | 2CD | LP |
| | (P) 1989
1. Big Guns 2. Sweet Little Sister 3. Can't Stand The Heartache 4. Piece Of Me 5. 18 & Life 6. Rattlresnake Shake 7. Youth Gone Wild 8. Here I Am 9. Makin' A Mess [...]
wersje: CD | CDSHM | LP | LPHQ |
| | (P) 2022
| ... the gang is here! Skid Row's mightily anticipated new studio album "The Gang's All Here" is an oath to joy triumphant, bursting with euphoric energy that makes us hunger for more. It is the logical [...]
1. Hell Or High Water 2. The Gang's All Here 3. Not Dead Yet 4. Time Bomb 5. Resurrected 6. Nowhere Fast 7. When The Lights Come On 8. Tear It Down 9. October's Song [...]
wersje: CD | LP |
| | (P) 1991
1. Monkey Buisness 2. Slave To The Grind 3. The Threat 4. Quicksand Jesus 5. Psycho Love 6. Get The Fuck Out 7. Livin' On A Chain Gang 8. Creepshow 9. In A Darkened Room [...]
wersje: CD | CDSHM | 2LP | 2LPHQ |
| | (P) 1998
1. Youth Gone Wild 2. 18 & Life 3. Piece Of Me 4. I Remember You 5. The Threat 6. Psycho Love 7. Monkey Business 8. Quicksand Jesus 9. Slave To The Grind [...] |
| | (P) 2006
1. Disease 2. Another Dick In The System 3. Pulling My Heart Out From Under Me 4. When God Can't Wait 5. Shut Up Baby, I Love You 6. Strength 7. White Trash 8. You Lie [...] |
| | (P) 2021
1. Big Guns 2. Sweet Little Sister 3. Can't Stand The Heartache 4. Piece Of Me 5. 18 & Life 6. Rattlesnake Shake 7. Youth Gone Wild 8. Here I Am 9. Makin' A Mess [...]
wersje: 5CD | 7LP |
| | (P) 1995 (2023)
1. My Enemy 2. Firesign 3. Bonehead 4. Beat Yourself Blind 5. Ileen 6. Remains To Be Seen 7. Subhuman Race 8. Frozen 9. Into Another 10. Face Against My Soul [...]
wersje: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2017
| ... Also included in this BGO release are extra tracks recorded for CBS at the time The band gigged endlessly on the UK college and European rock circuits In December 1971 Moore quit the band, being replaced by Eric Bell [...]
1. Mad Dog Woman 2. Virgo's Daughter 3. Heading Home Again 4. An Awful Lot Of Woman 5. Unco-Up Showband Blues 6. For Those Who Do 7. After I Am Gone 8. The Man Who Never Was [...] |
| | (P) 2005
| ... Kapela z New Jersey zamiast wydać nowy album, postanowiła w odstępie kilkunastu miesięcy parę EP-ek, aby dzięki temu fani częściej mieli okazję kosztować nowej muzyki swoich ulubiencow. "Dzięki temu jest stały dopływ naszych piosenek" - trafnie tłumaczył basista Rachel [...]
1. Kings Of Demolition 2. Let's Go 3. This Is Killing Me 4. Get Up 5. Stiches
wersje: CD | LP |
| | (P) 2014
| ... Był to trzeci materiał studyjny alternatywno-rockowej formacji. Dzięki niemu zrobiło się o niej głośno na całym świecie. Poźniej kawałek pojawiał się w paru reklamach (m. in. Forda). Nietypowo, bo z okazji 13-lecia premiery, The [...]
1. We Are The Damned 2. Give It The Gun 3. Catch Your Fall 4. Damnation Army 5. Zero Day 6. Sheer Heart Attack 7. Rats In The Cellar
wersje: CD | LP |
| | (P) 1992
1. Psycho Therapy 2. C'mon & Love Me 3. Delivering The Goods 4. What You're Doing 5. Little Wing
wersje: CD | LP |
| | (P) 2003
1. New Generation 2. Ghost 3. Swallow Me / (The Real You) 4. Born A Beggar 5. Thick Is The Skin 6. See You Around 7. Mouth Of Voodoo 8. One Light 9. I Remember You Two [...] |
| | (P) 2023
1. Psycho Therapy 2. C'mon & Love Me 3. Delivering The Goods Strona B: 4. What You're Doing 5. Little Wing |
| | (P) 1998
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| | (P) 2007
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| | (P) 2009
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