| | (P) 2024
1. Challenge The Wind 2. Whispers Of Doom 3. The Bloody Pariah 4. Vanquished By Shadows 5. Kreel S Magic Staff 6. Diamond Claws 7. Black Wizard 8. A Brave New Hope [...] |
| | (P) 2019 (2023)
| ... Their latest studio recording The Eighth Mountain combines spirited songs and epic chorus parts with lavish orchestra arrangements. At the same time, the album marks the beginning of a new, exciting saga that's typical of this band. First of all, there's been an important personnel change: Vocalist Giacomo Voli has [...]
1. Abyss Of Pain 2. Seven Heroic Deeds 3. Master Of Peace 4. Rain Of Fury 5. White Wizard 6. Warrior Heart 7. The Courage To Forgive 8. March Against The Tyrant [...]
wersje: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2021
| ... Who doesn't like to remember classics like Legendary Tales (1997), Symphony Of Enchanted Lands (1998) or Dawn Of Victory (2000)? As in the last album "The Eight Mountain" they show their incredible strength in epic chori and opulent [...]
1. Son Of Vengeance 2. The Kingdom Of Ice 3. Glory For Salvation 4. Eternal Snow 5. Terial The Hawk 6. Maid Of The Secret Sand 7. Abyss Of Pain II 8. Infinitae Gloriae [...]
wersje: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2016
| ... "Into The Legend" - a title for an album to expect something huge and also fitting perfectly to RHAPSODY OF FIRE. Because when it comes to "Symphonic Epic Metal" the Italian music pioneers are one of the top names. After 2 million sold records and almost two decades in [...]
1. In Principio 2. Distant Sky 3. Into The Legend 4. Winter's Rain 5. A Voice In The Cold Wind 6. Valley Of Shadows 7. Shining Star 8. Realms Of Light 9. Rage Of Darkness [...]
wersje: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2013
| ... Due to legal issues the band had to rename from Rhapsody to RHAPSODY OF FIRE in 2003 but continued to release their "Symphonic Epic Hollywood Metal" constantly. In 2012, band leaders and main composers Alex Staropoli and Luca Turilli decided to go separate ways: while Luca [...]
1. Vis Divina 2. Rising From Tragic Flames 3. Angel Of Light 4. Tears Of Pain 5. Fly To Crystal Skies 6. My Sacrifice 7. Silver Lake Of Tears 8. Custode Di Pace [...]
wersje: CD | LP | 2LP |
| | (P) 2011
| ... Teraz mamy pełnowymiarowe, koncepcyjne dzieło znakomitych Włochów. Myślicie, że po tylu latach na scenie (część z nich pod szyldem Rhapsody) stać Rhapsody Of Fire na niespodzianki? Jeśli tak, to dobrze myślicie! [...]
1. Ad Infinitum 2. From Chaos To Eternity 3. Tempesta Di Fuoco 4. Ghosts Of Forgotten Worlds 5. Anima Perduta 6. Aeons Of Raging Darkness 7. I Belong To The Stars 8. Tornado [...]
wersje: CD | 2LPHQ | LP |
| | (P) 2017
| A legend continues in impressive fashion: Italian symphonic power metal kings RHAPSODY OF FIRE have re-recorded their biggest classic songs of the "Rhapsody" years (1997 - 2002) with enormous effort and a huge result. Mixed and [...]
1. Dawn Of Victory 2. Knightrider Of Doom 3. Flames Of Revenge 4. Beyond The Gates Of Infinity 5. Land Of Immortals 6. Emerald Sword 7. Legendary Tales 8. Dargor, Shadowlord Of The Black Mountain [...]
wersje: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2004 (2006)
1. Dar-Kunor 2. Triumph Or Agony 3. Heart Of The Darklands 4. Old Age Of Wonders 5. Myth Of The Holy Sward 6. II Canto Del Vento 7. Silent Dream 8. Bloody Red Dungeons [...]
wersje: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2021
1. I'll Be Your Hero 2. Where Dragons Fly 3. Rain Of Fury / (Live) 4. The Courage To Forgive / (Live) 5. The Wind, The Rain & The Moon 6. Sin Un Adios 7. Senza Un Addio [...] |
| | (P) 2010
| ... Tuż przed premierą debiutanckiego albumu "Legendary Tales"muzycy postanowili zmienić nazwę na Rhapsody. W 2006 roku kolejną zmianę wymusiły prawa, które do tej samej nazwy posiadał jeden z amerykańskich [...]
1. Dark Frozen World 2. Sea Of Fate 3. Crystal Moonlight 4. Reign Of Terror 5. Danza Di Fuoco E Ghiaccio 6. Raging Starfire 7. Lost In Cold Dreams 8. On The Way To Ainor [...]
wersje: CD | 2LP | LP |
| | (P) 2024
1. Challenge The Wind 2. Whispers Of Doom 3. The Bloody Pariah 4. Vanquished By Shadows 5. Kreel S Magic Staff 6. Diamond Claws 7. Black Wizard 8. A Brave New Hope [...] |
| | (P) 2013
| ... Although its focus lies on the latest studio album "From Chaos To Eternity", these live recordings have a lot more to offer and show RHAPSODY OF FIRE's energetic symphonic Metal performed with absolute perfection. The [...]
1. Dark Mystic Vision 2. Ad Infinitum 3. From Chaos To Eternity 4. Triumph Or Agony 5. I Belong To The Stars 6. The Dark Secret 7. Unholy Warcry 8. Lost In Cold Dreams [...]
wersje: 2CD | 3LP |
| | (P) 2009
1. The Dark Secret 2. Unholy Warcry 3. Wisdom Of The Kings 4. The Village Of Darwes 5. Erian's Mystical Thymes 6. Dawn Of Victory 7. Lamento Eroico 8. Nightfall On The Grey Mountains [...] |
| | (P) 2010
| ... Gitarzysta Luca Turilli mówi: "Na to szczególne wydawnictwo przygotowaliśmy wyjątkową piosenkę, trwającą około 35 minut i podzieloną na siedem aktów. Już z samego tytułu na pewno domyślicie się, że to epickie dzieło, demonstrujące nasze zamiłowanie do muzyki filmowej i orkiestrowej. Są na płycie potężne orkiestracje, mocno soundtrackowe, a także [...]
1. The Pass Of Nair-Kaan / Act I 2. Dark Mystic Vision / Act II 3. The Ancient Fires Of Har-Kuun / Act III 4. The Betrayal / Act IV 5. Neve Rosso Sangue / Act V [...]
wersje: CD | LPHQ |
| | (P) 2024
1. Challenge The Wind 2. Whispers Of Doom 3. The Bloody Pariah 4. Vanquished By Shadows 5. Kreel S Magic Staff 6. Diamond Claws 7. Black Wizard 8. A Brave New Hope [...] |
| | (P) 2023 (2024)
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| | (P) 2015
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| | (P) 2010
| ... przesiąkniętego klimatami fantasy oraz średniowiecznej stylistyki. Właśnie wydają swój 11 krążek. Ten 37 minutowy mini album jest kontynuacją historii rozpoczętej na "Symphony of Enachanted Lands pt 2" , a [...]
1. The Pass Of Nair-Kaan 2. Dark Mystic Vision 3. The Ancient Fires Of Har-Kuun 4. The Betrayal 5. Neve Rosso Sangue 6. Erian's Lost Secrets 7. The Angel's Dark Revelation |
| | (P) 2007
1. Unholy Warcry 2. Wisdom Of The Kings 3. The Village Of Dwarves 4. Erian's Mystical Rhymes 5. Drum Solo 6. Dawn Of Victory 7. Lamento Eroico 8. Emerald Sword [...]
wersje: 2DVD | DVD |