| | (P) 2023
| ... Po ogromnym sukcesie ostatniej płyty, "Metal Commando" (która stała się najwyżej notowaną w historii zespołu z kilkoma pozycjami w pierwszej dziesiątce list przebojów w 2020 roku), "Code Red" to nowy kamień milowy, a zarazem wszystko, za co kochasz Primal Fear: strzelisty, niepowtarzalny wokal Ralfa [...]
1. Another Hero 2. Bring That Noise 3. Deep In The Night 4. Cancel Culture Strona B: 5. Play A Song 6. The World Is On Fire 7. Their Gods Have Failed 8. Steelmelter LP2: Strona A: [...]
versions: CD | 2LP | LP |
| | (P) 2007 (2008)
1. Sign Of Fear 2. Face Of Emptiness 3. Everytime It Rains 4. New Religion 5. Fighting The Darkness 6. The Darkness 7. Reprise 8. Blood On Your Hands 9. The Curse Of Sharon [...]
versions: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2020
| ... Bez zmian repertuarowych, za to szybciej, ostrzej, mroczniej i bardziej epicko niż dotychczas. Na krążku fani niemieckiej załogi znajdą zarówno rozpędzone galopady, klasyczną, świetnie zaśpiewaną przez [...]
1. I Am Alive 2. Along Came The Devil 3. Halo 4. Hear Me Calling 5. The Lost & The Forgotten 6. Ma Name Is Fear 7. I Will Be Gone 8. Raise Your Fists 9. Howl Of The Banshee [...]
versions: CD | 2CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2018
1. Apocalypse 2. New Rise 3. The Ritual 4. King Of Madness 5. Blood, Sweat & Fear 6. Supernova 7. Hail To The Fear 8. Hounds Of Justice 9. The Beast 10. Eye Of The Storm [...]
versions: CD+DVD | CD+DVD+TS | CD | LPHQ |
| | (P) 1997 (2022)
| ... takie klasyki Mata Sinnera i jego kolegów, jak "Chainbreaker", "Running In The Dust" czy "Tears of Rage", a także przeróbka "Speed King" grupy Deep Purple. Energia, pasja, żarliwość, zaangażowanie - materiał do dziś pozostaje manifestem heavy metalu i stanowi niezbity dowód na to, że zawsze należy [...]
1. Primal Fear 2. Chainbreaker 3. Silver & Gold 4. Promised Land 5. Formula One 6. Dollars 7. Nine Lives 8. Tears Of Rage 9. Speedking 10. Battalions Of Hate [...]
versions: CD | LP | 2LP |
| | (P) 2021
1. I Will Be Gone 2. Vote For No Confidence 3. Rising Fear 4. Leave Me Alone 5. Second To None
versions: CDsp | LPsp | LPs7 |
| | (P) 2020
1. Before The Devil Knows You're Dead 2. Riding The Eagle 3. Six Times Dead / (16.6) 4. Black Rain 5. Under The Radar 6. 5.0 Tom 7. Soar 8. Killbound 9. No Smoke Without Fire [...]
versions: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2010 (2020)
1. Before The Devil Knows You're Dead 2. Under The Radar 3. Battalions Of Hate 4. Killbound 5. Nuclear Fire 6. Six Times Dead / (16.6) 7. Angel In Black 8. Sign Of Fear [...]
versions: CD | CD+DVD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2014
1. King For A Day 2. Rebel Faction 3. When Death Comes Knocking 4. Alive & On Fire 5. Delivering The Black 6. Road To Asylum 7. One Night In December 8. Never Pray For Justice [...]
versions: CD+DVD | CD | 2LPHQ |
| | (P) 2012 (2020)
1. Unbreakable Part 1 2. Strike 3. Give 'em Hell 4. Bad Guys Wear Black 5. And There Was Silence 6. Metal Nation 7. Where Angels Die 8. Unbreakable Part 2 9. Marching Again [...]
versions: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2005
| The sixth studio album by the German power/speed metal commando from 2005! Produced by Primal Fear's Mat Sinner in tandem with Charlie Bauerfeind (Blind Guardian, Halford, Motorhead) and mixed by Mike Frazer (AC/DC, Metallica, Aerosmith, The Cult), "Seven Seals" features ten epic [...]
1. Demons & Angels 2. Rollercoaster 3. Seven Seals 4. Evil Spell 5. The Immortal Ones 6. Diabolus 7. All For One 8. Carniwar 9. Question Of Honour 10. In Memory
versions: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2003 (2019)
| ... W przeciągu ponad dwunastu lat zespół wydał 8 albumów i stał się jednym z czołowych reprezentantów współczesnej sceny power metalowej. Ekskluzywna re-edycja piątego studyjnego wydawnictwa zespołu "Devil's Ground" (2004) jest dowodem na to, że prawdziwy [...]
1. Metal Is Forever 2. Suicide & Mania 3. Visions Of Hate 4. Sea Of Flames 5. The Healer 6. Sacred Illusions 7. In Metal 8. Soulchaster 9. Colony 10. Wings Of Desire [...]
versions: CD | LP |
| | (P) 2010
1. Before The Devil Knows You're Dead 2. Under The Radar 3. Battalions Of Hate 4. Killbound 5. Nuclear Fire 6. Six Times Dead / (16.6) 7. Angel In Black 8. Guitars From Hell [...] |
| | (P) 2017
| ... This comprehensive overview of Primal Fear's body of work over the past ten years is aptly split into two records which showcases the magnificence (and constantly maturing) songwriting abilities of these heavy metal lifers. The first album encompasses the [...]
1. Area 16 2. Predator 3. If Looks Could Kill 4. Thrill Of Speed 5. The End Is Near 6. Strike 7. Sign Of Fear 8. In Metal We Trust 9. When Death Comes Knocking [...]
versions: 2CD | 3LPHQ |
| | (P) 2002 (2019)
1. Countdown To Insanity 2. Black Sun 3. Armageddon 4. Lightyears Frome Home 5. Revolution 6. Fear 7. Mind Control 8. Magic Eye 9. Mind Machine 10. We Go Down [...]
versions: CD | LP |
| | (P) 2016
| ... Working the second time with Jacob Hansen and even record in his studio, gave another dimension to our sound, plus the recording comeback of founding member Tom Naumann was the right move". "Rulebreaker" combines the strongest Primal Fear moments ever, with a [...]
1. Angels Of Mercy 2. The End Is Near 3. Bullets & Tears 4. Rulebraker 5. In Metal We Trust 6. We Walk Without Fear 7. At War With The World 8. The Devil In Me [...]
versions: CD+DVD | CD | LPHQ |
| | (P) 2017
1. Countdown To Insanity 2. Final Embrace 3. In Metal We Trust 4. Angel In Black 5. Rulebreaker 6. Sign Of Fear 7. Seven Seals 8. Angels Of Mercy 9. The End Is Near [...] |
| | (P) 2021
1. I Will Be Gone 2. Vote For No Confidence 3. Rising Fear 4. Leave Me Alone 5. Second To None
versions: CD | LP |
| | (P) 2017
1. Countdown To Insanity 2. Final Embrance 3. In Metal We Trust 4. Angel In Black 5. Rulebreaker 6. Sign Of Fear 7. Seven Seals 8. Let There Be Drums 9. Angels Of Mercy [...] |
| | (P) 2004
1. DVD 2. Introduction 3. Angel In Black 4. Battalions Of Hate 5. Nuclear Fire 6. Chainbreaker 7. Eye Of An Eagle 8. Fight The Fire 9. Running In The Dust [...]
versions: CD+DVD | CD |