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Miles Davis
Sketches Of Spain

(P) 1960 (2023) Ermitage [299]

[analog record, vinyl]
ships in: 14-60 days    
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tagi: 2495531 JAZZ TRUMPET FUSION clear (Clear Vinyl) MI 341024955316 89628734A291 ERMI2495531.1 VNL12531C
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisSACD
14-60 days
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Miles Davis Sketches of Spain on Numbered Limited Edition Hybrid SACD
Davis' Third and Final Pairing With Arranger Gil Evans Yields Watershed InnovationsMiles Davis and Gil Evans bridged styles and collaborated on high-concept projects a total of three times during their celebrated career. For their final act, they created Sketches of Spain, a peak moment in each luminary's career and a transformative album that weds Spanish themes, lush orchestrations, romantic timbres, and Davis' increasingly lyrical methods in a tender ceremony that continues to resonate more than five decades after its original release. [...more...]

other versions of Miles Davis Sketches Of Spain

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Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
24 hours
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(P) 1960 (1988) Columbia / 074646514221

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
3-7 days
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(P) 1960 (2016) Hallmark 5050457164225

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
3-7 days
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Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
3-7 days
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(P) 1960 (2010) Poll Winners / 8436028696642

... Concierto de Aranjuez hiszpanskiego kompozytora JoaquĂ­no Rodrigo. W swojej autobiografi wspomina, że słuchał tego koncertu przez dwa tygodnie. I wtedy razem ze swoim przyjacielem, Gilem Evansem postanowili muzycznie naszkicować własna [...]
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
14-28 days
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Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
14-45 days
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Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
14-45 days
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(P) 1960 (1996) Columbia / 5099706514220

Sketches Of Spain - Miles Davis2CD
14-45 days
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(P) 1960 (2017) Columbia 889854143121

... CD1 1 Concierto de Aranjuez: Adagio 2 Will O' the Wisp 3 The Pan Piper 4 Saeta 5 Solea 6 Song of Our Country CD2 1 The Maids of Cadiz 2 Concierto de Aranjuez (Adagio) 3 Concierto De Aranjuez, Pt. 1 (Adagio) 4 Concierto De Aranjuez, Pt. 2 [...]
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
14-70 days
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(P) 1960 (1997) Columbia 9399746060425

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
14-90 days
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Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
14-120 days
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(P) 1960 (2016) Jazim / 8437012830677

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
3-7 days
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(P) 1960 (2015) Dol / 889397217891

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
3-7 days
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(P) 1960 (2016) Jazz Images 8437012830998

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
3-7 days
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Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
7-14 days
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... Jimmy Cobb - perkusja
Johnny Coles - trąbka
Harold Feldman - klarnet, flet, obój
Bernie Glow - trąbka
Dick Hixon - puzon
Elvin Jones - instrumenty perkusyjne
Taft Jordan - trąbka
Jack Knitzer - fagot
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLP
14-28 days
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(P) 1960 (2024) Jazz Wax / 8435723701019

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
14-28 days
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Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
14-28 days
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Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
14-28 days
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180gm vinyl repressing of the mono edition of the Jazz legend's 1960 album. Sketches Of Spain is considered by fans and critics alike to be one of the most accessible albums of Davis's career.
Less improvisational than much of his other work, some of Davis' contemporaries suggested that Sketches Of Spain [...]
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
14-28 days
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... Here, at last, is the full-figured perspective long deserved by the woodwinds, strings, and percussion, all of which come alive with previously unheard definition and detail.

Indeed, in its three-decade-plus history, we has never been prouder to have the honor of handling efforts as important as Davis' key recordings. It's why the label's [...]
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
14-45 days
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(P) 1960 (2013) Music On Vinyl / 8718469532094

... This is one of the four albums where Miles and Gil Evans collaborated with a small orchestra of horns and percussion.

Sketches of Spain is fueled by Spanish melodies - "El Concierto de Arajuez" by [...]
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLP
14-60 days
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(P) 1960 (2023) Ermitage 3770024955316

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLP
14-60 days
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(P) 1960 (2022) Saga 602445910212

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
14-60 days
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(P) 1960 (2019) Dol / 889397006143

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
14-60 days
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Winylowa edycja nagranego w 1959 roku albumu Milesa Davisa "Sketches of Spain. " Album ten to wynik kolejnego etapu wspołpracy Davisa z Gilem Evansem. LP A 1 Concierto de Aranjuez: Adagio 2 Will O' the Wisp B 1 The Pan [...]
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
14-60 days
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(P) 1960 (2017) Columbia 889853784813

Wyjątkowa winylowa edycja (krążek w żółtym kolorze) nagranego w 1959 roku albumu Milesa Davisa"Sketches of Spain. " Album ten to wynik kolejnego etapu współpracy Davisa z Gilem Evansem.

Wyjątkowa winylowa edycja (krążek w zółtym kolorze) nagranego w 1959 roku albumu Milesa Davisa "Sketches [...]
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
14-60 days
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(P) 1960 (2012) Doxy Records / 8013252889042

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
14-60 days
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(P) 1960 (2016) Vinyl Lovers 8436544170312

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Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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(P) 1960 (2012) TBC 5099703202328

Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisBluSpecCD
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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(P) 1960 (2007) Sme 01 / 4547366033274

Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles Davis2CD
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(P) 1960 (2009) Smji / 4547366046939

Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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(P) 1960 (2018) 190758408125

Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles Davis2CD
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(P) 1960 (2009) Columbia 886974394921

Sketches Of Spain
Dwu płytowa edycja "Sketches OF Spain" wydana z okazji 50 lecie ukazania się tego albumu. dodatkowy krążek zawiera rarytasy w postaci nowych, nieznanych wersji utworów z plyty. wersje demo, koncertowe. Niesamowita [...]
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisBluSpecCD
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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Sketches Of Spain

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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(P) 1960 (2004) Columbia 5099706514251

Sketches Of Spain

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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Sketches Of Spain

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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(P) 1960 (2009) M&I Company / 4547366026580

Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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(P) 1960 (1999) Columbia / 5099706514268

Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisCD
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Sketches Of Spain
DBS Version DBS Version

Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLP
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(P) 1960 (2014) Dol 889397278915

Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
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(P) 1960 (2015) Dol / 889397557898

Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
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(P) 1960 (2009) Music On Vinyl / 886974041412

Sketches Of Spain
... />
This is one of the four albums where Miles and Gil Evans (arranger & conductor) were together with a small orchestra of horns and percussion, and it was fueled by Spanish melodies that fascinated Davis to the point he needed to get [...]
Sketches Of Spain - Miles Davis2LP
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLPHQ
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisLP
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles Davis4LPHQ
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Sketches Of Spain
Sketches Of Spain - Miles DavisSACD
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Sketches Of Spain


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