| | (P) 2018
1. G.I. Jive 2. Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby 3. Five Guys Named Moe 4. Keep A-Knockin' 5. Honey In The Bee Ball 6. At The Swing Cat's Ball 7. Pinetop's Boogie Woogie [...] |
| | (P) 2024
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| | (P) 2024
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| | (P) 2017
1. Let The Good Times Roll 2. Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens 3. Hard Head Wife 4. Help Me Make It Through The Night 5. I Believe In Music 6. ST Louis Blues Boogie 7. Marco's Tune [...] |
| | (P) 1992 (1994)
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| | (P) 2008
1. Dad Gum Ya Hide Boy 2. Whiskey Do Your Stuff 3. Gal, You Need A Whippin! 4. Time's A-Passin' 5. It's Hard To Be Good Without You 6. The Dripper 7. Ooo-Wee 8. I Seen What'cha Done [...] |
| | (P) 2007
1. I'm Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of Town 2. Five Guys Named Moe 3. Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby 4. Caldonia 5. Somebody Changed The Lock On My Door 6. Salt Pork, West Virginia [...] |
| | (P) 2000
1. Ain't That Just Like A Woman 2. Knock Me A Kiss 3. Ration Blues 4. Is You Is Or Is You 5. Ain't My Baby 6. G.I. Jive 7. You Can't Get That No More 8. Caldonia Boogie [...] |
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| | (P) 2024
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| | (P) 2012
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| | (P) 1999
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| | (P) 2011
1. It's Been Said 2. Whatever Lola Wants / (Lola Gets) 3. Bananas 4. Baby Let's Do It Up 5. Where Can I Go 6. Chicken Back 7. Baby You're Just Too Much 8. Rock & Roll Cal [...] |
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| | (P) 2008
| ... nagrane dla firmy Decca, zostały ponownie zarejestrowane przez firmę Mercury w latach 1956-57. Louisowi Jordanowi towarzyszyli w nagraniach wspaniali muzycy sesyjni - m. in. Ernie Hayes - fortepian, Sam Taylor - saksofon tenorowy, Mickey Baker - gitara, a także młody aranżer . . . . [...]
1. Big Bess 2. I'm Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of Town 3. Ain't Nobudy Here But Us Chickens 4. Choo Choo Ch'boogie 5. Knock Me A Kiss 6. Caldonia 7. Let The Good Times Roll [...] |
| | (P) 1998
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| | (P) 2004
1. Five Guys Named Moe 2. Is You Or Is You Ain't My Baby 3. Caldonia 4. Salt Pork, West Virginia 5. Choo Choo Ch'boogie 6. Ain't That Just Like A Woman 7. Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens [...] |
| | (P) 1992 (1996)
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| | (P) 1994
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| | (P) 2002
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