| | (P) 2011
| Originally known as 'Raw Noise', EXTREME NOISE TERROR were one of the first bands to play an aggressive style of crust punk. This crust punk would later be known as grindcore. They were highly influential, inspiring the start [...]
1. Pray To Be Saved 2. Knee Deep In Shit 3. Just Think About It 4. Lame Brain 5. Third World Genocide 6. What Do You Care 7. Moral Bondage 8. Self Decay 9. Commercial Suicide [...]
versions: CD | 2LP | LP |
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| | (P) 2022
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| | (P) 2022
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| | (P) 2022
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| | (P) 2019
versions: CD | LP |
| | (P) 2016
1. Teen Town (The Philharmonics) / V/A 2. Try This Li'l Ole Heart (Tony Harris, J J Jo / V/A 3. What Have I Done Wrong (Latimore Brown) (Sid / V/A 4. Walking In The Park (Guitar Gable) / V/A [...] |
| | (P) 2016
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| | (P) 2016
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| | (P) 2011
| ... This, their fifth release (early releases came out on US labels Deranged and Grave Mistake) is the follow up to last years stunning "Minute Manifestos" (voted one of the best releases of 2010 by punk bible Maximum rocknRoll) and thunders through 10 brand new [...]
1. Great Firewall Of China 2. P C P 3. Tooth & Nail 4. Dead Air 5. Back Of My Hand 6. Ignorant 7. Crumbs 8. F O 9. Sausage Machine 10. Demons
versions: CD | LP |
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| | (P) 2016
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| | (P) 2016
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| | (P) 2016
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| | (P) 2015 (2016)
1. Carbonized 2. Return Of The Rat 3. Postwar Deathcamp Blues 4. Deathwish A Go-Go 5. Austrian Wino 6. Westboro Baptist Church 7. My Pride Is My Ignorance 8. Vodka Civil War [...] |
| | (P) 2015
1. Hardhead (Louis Jordan) (A Seite) / V/A 2. My Girl Across Town (Lester Robertson) (A Se / V/A 3. Every Woman I Know (Is Crazy About An Automo / V/A 4. Hello Friends, Hello Pal (MR. Calhoun) (A Se / V/A [...] |
| | (P) 2013
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| | (P) 2012
versions: LP | 2LP |