| |  | | | | tracklists of Digital Underground The Body-Hat Syndrome (2LP-Yellow Vinyl) (RSD Black Friday | | [ 1 ]
1.The Return Of The Crazy One 2.Doo Woo You 3.Holly Wanstaho 4.Bran Nu Swetta 5.Body-Hats
(Part One) 6.Dope-A-Delic
(Do-U-B-Leeve-In-D-Flo?) 7.Intermission 8.Wussup With The Luv
[ 2 ]
1.Digital Lover 2.Carry The Way
(Along Time) 3.Body-Hats
(Part Two) 4.Circus Entrance 5.Jerkit Circus 6.Circus Exit
(The After-Nut) 7.Shake & Bake 8.Body-Hats
(Part Three) 9.Do Ya Like It Dirty? 10.Bran Nu Sweat This Beat 11.Wheee!
.. syndrome / blf 23 / yellow lp & comic book
tags : transparent
tagi: Syndr (30th Anniversary Edit 93020419A255 BF 2023 (2LP YEL 9854951 332098549513 (30TH ANNIVERSARY) TBMU5495.1 | |