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Cannonball Adderley
Somethin' Else

(P) 1958 (2023) Ermitage [299]

LP colored disc

[analog record, vinyl]
ships in: 14-45 days    
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tagi: 2495657 JAZZ mainstream colored disc yellow (Ye SOMETHIN ELSEÂYELLO 341024956573 ELSE YELLO ERMI2495657.1 (Vinyl Yellow) 92949850A278 (YELLOW COLOURED VNL22657 ELSE  (Yellow Vinyl)
Somethin' Else - Cannonball Adderley2CD
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Podwojny, zremasterowany CD (Digitally Remastered For Optimum Sound Quality) zawierający 2 oryginalne, klasyczne albumy : Something Else (nagrany z Milesem Davisem) stanowiący ikonę jazzu oraz Cannonballs Sharpshooters. CD 1 - skład : Cannonball Adderley - Alto Saxophone, Leader, Miles Davis - trumpet, Hank Jones - piano, Sam Jones - bass, Art Blakey - drums. CD 2 - skład : Cannonball Adderley - Alto Saxophone, Nat Adderley - Cornet, Julian C. Mance Jr - piano, Sam Jones - bass, Jimmy Cobb - drums. Godni polecenia są także inni wykonawcy, ktorych wydawnictwo Not Now wyedytowało w podwojnych lub potrojnych digipackach lub eleganckich slipcasach z reguły w wersjach zremasterowanych. [...more...]

other versions of Cannonball Adderley Somethin' Else

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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
2 days
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Miles Davis
Hank Jones
Sam Jones
Art Blakey

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
3-7 days
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(P) 1958 (2010) Poll Winners / 8436028691760

... Mance: p
Sam Jones: b
Art Blakey and Jimmy Cobb: d

1. Autumn Leaves 11:01
2. Love For Sale 7:06
3. Somthin' Else 8:15
4. One For Daddy-O 8:26
5. Dancing In The Dark 4:07
6. Allison's Uncle 5:05
7. [...]
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
14-28 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
14-28 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
14-28 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball Adderley2CD
14-45 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCDSHM
14-60 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
14-60 days
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(P) 1958 (2011) Phoenix Re 8436539310174

muzycy: Cannonball Adderley (as)
Miles Davis (tp)
Nat Adderley (cnt)
Hank Jones, Junior Mance (p)
Sam Jones (b)
Art Blakey and Jimmy Cobb (d)
Recorded at Rudy Van Gelder Studio, in Hackensack, New Jersey, on March 9, 1958 - and [...]
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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(P) 1958 (2025-05-02) Capitol Records 602465729184

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCDSHM
14-120 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
2 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
14-28 days
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(P) 1958 (2019) Dol / 889397006129

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
14-28 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
14-28 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
14-28 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
14-28 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
14-28 days
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(P) 1958 (2019) Jazz Images 8436569193051

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
14-28 days
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(P) 1958 (2017) Jazz Images 8437016248140

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
14-28 days
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(P) 1958 (2022) Second Rec 9003829978452

Somethin' Else - Cannonball Adderley2LP
14-28 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
14-45 days
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(P) 1958 (2023) Ermitage 3770024956573

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
14-45 days
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(P) 1958 (2023) Second Rec 9003829978445

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
14-45 days
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... Saksofonista był w tym czasie członkiem bandu Daviesa i wyraźnie słychać, że łączy ich wyjątkowe muzyczne porozumienie. W efekcie powstały tak wspaniałe nagrania jak otwierające album "Autumn Leaves" czy tytułowy [...]
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
14-60 days
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(P) 1958 (2023) Ermitage 3770024952131

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
14-60 days
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(P) 1958 (2023) Second Rec 9003829978469

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
14-60 days
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(P) 1958 (2024) Vinyl Passion / 8719039006649

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
14-60 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
14-60 days
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Rec.1958 / Reiusse

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ+CD
14-60 days
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(P) 1958 (2020) Groove Replica / 8436569194867

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleySACD
14-120 days
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyDVD
(P) 2004

Somethin' Else
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Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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(P) 1958 (2008) Toshiba / 4988006845831

Somethin' Else

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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Somethin' Else

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCDSHM
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Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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(P) 1958 (2008) Toshiba / 4988006868274

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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(P) 1958 (2014) 5uc / 4988005843708

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCDSHM
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Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCDSHM
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Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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(P) 1958 (2016) 762184063324

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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(P) 1958 (2003) Toshiba 4988006752450

Somethin' Else

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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(P) 1958 (2005) Toshiba 4988006820111

Somethin' Else

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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(P) 1958 (2008) Toshiba / 4988006855175

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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(P) 1958 (1997) Toshiba / 4988006726512

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyCD
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(P) 1958 (2010) EMI 5099950537327

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball Adderley2LPHQ
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(P) 1958 (2008) Toshiba 4988006819078

Somethin' Else

Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
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(P) 1958 (2013) Disk Union / 4988044979918

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
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(P) 1958 (2014) Music Matters / 693692999679

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
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(P) 1958 (2014) Dol 889397279417

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
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Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
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(P) 1958 (2015) Dol / 889397557942

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
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Somethin' Else
... Od tego czasu Blue Note cały czas ukazywała to, co najcenniejsze w muzyce jazzowej, postępując za jej kolejnymi nurtami od Hot Jazz, Boogie Woogie, and Swing, through Bebop, Hard Bop, Post Bop, Soul Jazz, [...]
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
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(P) 1958 (2012) Dom / 8032979642136

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball Adderley2LP
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(P) 1958 (2012) As

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP
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Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLP+CD
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Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball Adderley4LP
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(P) 1958 (2009) Classic Recordings

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball Adderley2LPHQ
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Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
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(P) 1958 (2016) Notnow / 5060348582175

Somethin' Else
Somethin' Else - Cannonball AdderleyLPHQ
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(P) 1958 (2014) Music Matters

Somethin' Else

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