| | (P) 2019 (2021)
1. Overture 2. Heaven On Their Minds 3. What's The Buzz?/Strange Thing, Mystifyi 4. Everything's Alright 5. This Jesus Must Die 6. Hosanna 7. Simon Zealotes/Poor Jerusalem [...]
wersje: 2CD | 3CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 1970 (2000)
| ... wystawiana jest w ć West End Lyceum Theathre w Londynie. W nagraniu wzięła udział 80-osobowa ć orkiestra i 90-osobowy chór, co robi naprawdę ogromne wrażenie. Na płycie ć znalazły się m. in. przebojowe [...]
1. Overture 2. Heaven On Their Minds 3. What's The Buzz 4. Everthing's Alright 5. This Jesus Must Die 6. Hosanna 7. Simon Zealotes 8. Pilate's Temple 9. Superstar [...]
wersje: 2CD | CD |
| | (P) 2024
wersje: 2CD | 3LP |
| | (P) 2018
| ... Andrew Lloyd Webber to jeden z najpopularniejszych współczesnych kompozytorów na świecie. Musicale, które stworzył, na stałe weszły do kanonu gatunku. Premierowe utwory na "Unmasked: The Platinum Collection" to "Memory" Nicole Scherzinger z "Kotów", "Light at the End [...]
1. Superstar / Murray Head & The Trinidad Singers 2. The Phantom Of The Opera / Sarah Brightman & Michael Crawford 3. Oh What A Circus / Antonio Banderas & Madonna 4. Love Changes Everything / Michael Ball [...]
wersje: 4CD | 2CD |
| | (P) 2024
wersje: CD | LP |
| | (P) 2024 (2025-03-07)
| |
| | (P) 2002
| ... Webber Masterpiece Doskonały koncert muzyki Andrew Lloyd Webbera nagrany w "The Great Hall of the People" w Bejing w Chinach. Na płycie znalazły się same perełki z twórczości Webbera takie jak "Superstar", "Don't Cry for me Argentina", "The Beatiful Game Overture", "Take That Look Off Your Face", "The Jellicle Ball", [...]
1. Jesus Christ Superstar / Tony Vincent & Company 2. Don't Cry For Me Argentina / Elaine Paige 3. The Beautiful Game (Overture) (Lloyd Webber) / Instrumental Overture [...]
wersje: CD | CD+DVD |
| | (P) 1998
1. Overture 2. Prologue: Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Ca 3. The Naming Of Cats 4. The Invitation To The Jellicle Ball 5. The Old Gumbie Cat 6. The Rum Tug Tugger 7. Grizabella [...]
wersje: CD | 2CD |
| | (P) 2019
1. Overture 2. Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats 3. The Old Gumbie Cat 4. The Rum Tum Tugger 5. Bustopher Jones The Cat About Town 6. Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer 7. Old Deuteronomy [...] |
| | (P) 2010
| ... . . Premiera musicalu na deskach teatru londyńskiego zapowiedziana jest na 9 marca 2010. Jednocześnie ukazuje się album z piosenkami do spektaklu. Znakomite melodie oraz, jak zwykle u Lloyda Webera, [...]
1. Prologue / Andrew Lloyd Webber 2. The Coney Island Waltz / Andrew Lloyd Webber 3. That's The Place That You R / Andrew Lloyd Webber 4. Heaven By The Sea / Glenn Slater [...]
wersje: 2CD | CD/DVD [box 3pcs] | CD+DVD |
| | (P) 2018
1. Superstar / Murray Head & The Trinidad Singers 2. The Phantom Of The Opera / Sarah Brightman & Michael Crawford 3. Don't Cry For Me Argentina / Julie Covington 4. Stick I / Alex Brightman & The Broadway Cast Of School Of Rock [...] |
| | (P) 1991
1. Prologue 2. Any Dream Will Do 3. Jacob & Sons - Josephs Coat 4. Joseph's Dreams 5. Poor Poor Joseph 6. One More Angel In Heaven 7. Potiphar 8. Close Every Door [...] |
| | (P) 1996 (2004)
1. OST Duch W Operze 2. Prologue 3. Overture Act One - Paris 1861 4. Think Of Me 5. Angel Of Music 6. Little Lotte... / The Mirror... 7. The Phantom Of The Opera 8. The Music Of The Night [...]
wersje: 2CD | CD |
| | (P) 2021
1. Evita / (24:11) 2. Sunset Boulevard / (23:54) 3. The Phantom Of The Opera / (21:23) |
| | (P) 2005
1. Ouvertuere / Andrew Lloyd Webber 2. Rolling Stock / Andrew Lloyd Webber 3. Liebesexpress / Andrew Lloyd Webber 4. AC/ DC / Andrew Lloyd Webber 5. Hilf Mir Verstehe / Andrew Lloyd Webber [...]
wersje: 2CD | CD |
| | (P) 2002 (2003)
| Andrew Lloyd Webber Masterpiece Nie zawiera polskich napisów. Czas: 180min. Dolby Surround 5. 1/Digital Stereo. Masterpieces zawiera najbardziej znane hity z takich musicali jak: Cats, The Panthom of the Opera, Evita czy Jesus Christ [...]
1. Superstar Overture 2. Superstar 3. I Don't Know How To Love Him 4. Any Dream Will Do 5. Evita Suite 6. Buenos Aires 7. And The Money Kept Rolling In 8. Don't Cry For Me Argentina [...]
wersje: DVD+CD | DVD |
| | (P) 1999 (2007)
1. [Musical]
wersje: DVD | 2DVD |
| | (P) 1989
1. Orchestral Introduction To Act Two 2. A Theatre In Paris 3. Leading Lady 4. At The Stage Door 5. George's House At Pau 6. Other Pleasures 7. A Café In Venice 8. There Is More To Love [...] |
| | (P) 2012
1. Overture 2. Heaven On Their Minds 3. What's The Buzz - Strange Thing Mystifying 4. Everythings All Right 5. This Jesus Must Die 6. Hosanna 7. Simon Zealotes/Poor Jerusalem [...] |
| | (P) 2008
1. Don't Cry For Me Argentina / Julian Lloyd Webber 2. Memory / Jose Carreras 3. All I Ask Of You / Renee Fleming & Bryn Terfel 4. Close Every Door / Julian Lloyd Webber [...] |