| | (P) 2020
1. Saturnine & Iron Jaw 2. Enemy Of My Enemy 3. Everest 4. See You Next Fall 5. The Children Of Coyote Woman 6. 41 7. Lights Out 8. Rats In Ruin
wersje: CD | LP | 2LP |
| | (P) 2018
1. Fishbelly 86 Onions 2. Workhorse 3. 1ST vs 2ND 4. Half-Tongue 5. Diamond 6. Harvest Feast 7. HJTC 8. Rob's Dream
wersje: CD | 2LP |
| | (P) 2015
| ... Zdecydowana większość piosenek z płyty "Dying Surfer Meets His Maker" została nagrana przez zespoł "na setkę". Produkcją zajęli się Mikey Allred oraz gitarzysta All Them Witches, Ben McLeod. Nagrania odbyły się w małej mieścinie w stanie [...]
1. Call Me Star 2. El Centro 3. Dirt Preachers 4. This Is Where It Falls Apart 5. Mellowing 6. Open Passageways 7. Instrumental 2 / (Welcome To The Caveman Future) [...]
wersje: CD | LP |
| | (P) 2014 (2016)
1. Funeral For A Great Drunken Bird 2. When God Comes Back 3. The Marriage Of Coyote Woman 4. Swallowed By The Sea 5. Charles William 6. The Death Of Coyote Woman 7. Romany Dagger [...]
wersje: CD | LP | LPHQ+7"LP |
| | (P) 2017
1. Bulls 2. Don't Bring Me Coffee 3. Bruce Lee 4. 3-5-7 5. Am I Going Up? 6. Alabaster 7. Cowboy Kirk 8. Internet
wersje: CD | 2CD | LP | 2LP | MC |
| | (P) 2021 (2022)
1. Blood & Sand / Milk & Endless Waters 2. Dirt Preachers 3. Saturnine & Iron Jaw 4. 41 5. When God Comes Back 6. Alabaster 7. Diamond 8. 1X1 9. 3-5-7 10. The Marriage Of Coyote Woman [...]
wersje: 2CD | 3LP |
| | (P) 2012
1. Heavy Like A Witch 2. The Urn 3. Bloodhounds 4. Guns 5. Elk. Blodd Heart 6. Unit It Unwinds 7. Easy 8. Family Song For The Leaving 9. Righr Hand
wersje: CD | LP |
| | (P) 2023
1. Bulls 2. T Bring Me Coffee 3. Bruce Lee 4. 3-5-7 5. Am I Going Up? 6. Alabaster 7. Cowboy Kirk 8. Internet 9. Bruce Lee / (Demo) 10. Cowboy Kirk / (Demo) [...] |