1. Massachusetts 2. I've Got To Get A Message To You 3. World 4. Holiday 5. New York Mining Disaster 1942 6. To Love Somebody 7. I Close My Eyes 8. In My Own Time [...]
... Na DVD 30 minut materiału z Louisem - The Young Louis Armstrong: 1) I can't give you anything but love 2) Struttin with some barbecue; Medley Happy Birthday Louis; Louis Armstrong with Dany Kaye & Katharina Valente 3) Rockin'chair, Do you know what it means, Basin steet blues, When you're [...]
1. What A Wonderful World 2. Everybody's Talking / (Echoes) 3. Boy From New Orleans 4. We Shall Overcome 5. The Creator Has A Master Plan 6. Mood Indigo 7. This Black Cat Has 9 Lives [...]