| | (P) 2014
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| | (P) 2006 (2011)
| ... Nie zabrakło też piosenek dla tych, którzy pokochali piękno ostatnich albumów: z harmoniami wokalnymi, mnóstwem melodii, kunsztowną aranżacją. Mając z powrotem w zespole oczyszczonego z narkotyków Johna Frusciante, Red Hot Chili Peppers doświadczyli nieprawdopodobnego sukcesu komercyjnego, dzięki krążkom "Californication" i "By The [...]
1. Dani California 2. Show / (Hey Oh) 3. Charlie 4. Stadium Arcadium 5. Hump De Bump 6. She's Only 18 7. Slow Cheetah 8. Torture Me 9. Strip My Mind [...]
versions: 2CD | CD/DVD [box 3pcs] | 4LP | 4LPHQ |
| | (P) 2002 (2011)
| ... Producentem płyty jest tradycyjnie Rick Rubin, który od lat zajmuję tę funkcję u Red Hotów. Album "Californication", którym Red Hot Chili Peppers powrócili z Johnem Frusciante, był genialny. Zastanawiano się, co zespół może zaproponować po tak [...]
1. By The Way 2. Universally Speaking 3. This Is The Place 4. Dosed 5. Don't Forget Me 6. The Zephyr Song 7. Can't Stop 8. I Could Die For You 9. Midnight [...]
versions: CD | 2LP | LP |
| | (P) 1991 (2011)
| ... Album, uważany przez wielu za opus magnum kapeli z Kalifornii, powstał w 1991 roku i był efektem współpracy Red Hot Chili Peppers z producentem Rickiem Rubinem oraz pierwszą pozycją formacji dla wytwórni Warner. Błysnął na nim wielkim talentem nastoletni jeszcze wówczas John Frusciante, który niewiele wcześniej zastąpił zmarłego z przedawkowania narkotyków Hillela Slovaka. RHCP [...]
1. The Power Of Equality 2. If You Have To Ask 3. Breaking The Girl 4. Funky Monks 5. Suck My Kiss 6. I Could Have Lied 7. Mellowship Slinky In B Major 8. The Righteous & The Wicked [...]
versions: CD | 2LPHQ | 2LP |
| | (P) 1989 (2012)
| ... /> The Real Thing (1989) turned out to be Faith No More's most aptly named record as it presents the band's most revered line-up. Mike Patton on vocals proved a massive improvement on their previous singer. Added at the last moment to complement a set of strong, funky songs, he joined [...]
1. From Out Nowhere 2. Epic 3. Falling To Pieces 4. Surprises! You're Dead! 5. Zombie Eaters 6. Edge Of The World 7. The Real Thing 8. Underwater Love 9. The Morning After [...]
versions: CD | 2CD | LPHQ | 2LP | LP |
| | (P) 1995 (2012)
| ... Bungle took over six string duties for King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime. Upon its release, the album quickly reasserted that Faith No More were still on top of their game. Keeping their harder edge on songs like "Get Out", "Ricochet" and [...]
1. Get Out 2. Ricochet 3. Evidence 4. The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies 5. Star A.D. 6. Cuckoo For Caca 7. Caralho Voador 8. Ugly In The Morning 9. Digging The Grave [...]
versions: CD | 2CD | 2LPHQ | 2LP |
| | (P) 1987 (2012)
| ... /> The second album of Faith No More was released in 1987, featuring vocalist Chuck Mosley for the last time. Introduce Yourself contains 10 highly addictive songs, with the signature slightly out-of-tune singing of Mosley to boot. This [...]
1. Faster Disco 2. Anne's Song 3. Introduce Yourself 4. Chinese Arithmetic 5. Death March 6. We Care A Lot 7. R'N'R 8. The Crab Song 9. Blood 10. Spirit
versions: CD | LPHQ | LP |
| | (P) 1992 (2012)
| ... Wackier, wilder, and funnier than hit records from peers such as Nirvana, Radiohead, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, this is bold, visionary rock music that can't resist the temptation of infiltrating the mainstream by walking right in through the front door and forcing everyone to take notice. Modeled on [...]
1. Land Of Sunshine 2. Caffeine 3. Midlife Crisis 4. RV 5. Smaller & Smaller 6. Everything's Ruined 7. Malpractice 8. Kindergarten 9. Be Aggressive 10. A Small Victory [...]
versions: CD | 2CD | 2LPHQ | LP |
| | (P) 1997 (2012)
| ... Having a new guitarist in their ranks, the band recorded 12 fresh songs in the comfort of bassist Billy Gould's home studio. These sessions produced two hits: "Ashes To Ashes" and "Last Cup Of Sorrow". Straightforward and concise, the album sequence takes no prisoners and delivers an outstanding [...]
1. Collision 2. Stripsearch 3. Last Cup Of Sorrow 4. Naked In Front Of The Computer 5. Helpless 6. Mounth To Mounth 7. Ashes To Ashes 8. She Loves Me Not 9. Got That Feeling [...]
versions: CD | 2CD | 2LPHQ | LPHQ |
| | (P) 1967 (2012)
1. For What It's Worth 2. Go & Say Goodbye 3. Sit Down I Think I Love You 4. Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing 5. Hot Dusty Roads 6. Everybody's Wrong 7. Flying On The Ground Is Wrong [...]
versions: CD | 2CD | 4CD | LPHQ | 2LP | 2LPHQ | LP |
| | (P) 1988 (2012)
1. MR. Soul 2. A Child's Claim To Fame 3. Everydays 4. Expecting To Fly 5. Bluebird 6. Hung Upside Down 7. Sad Memory 8. Good Time Boy 9. Rock & Roll Woman [...]
versions: CD | CDSHM | LPHQ |
| | (P) 2013
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